About Us

In the digital world, We at EDUGYAN SMARTEACH bring an online education portal with over 1000+ video lectures, 175+ best professors, for various examinations based on subjects like Commerce, Finance, Engineering, Medical, Pharmacy, Law, Information Technology, Mathematics, Science, among others. Besides that, We do provide specialized coaching for various professional examinations like CA, CS, CMA, Government examinations like Staff Selection Commission, Banks, Insurance Companies, Other recruitment examinations like Railways, Defense, and various scholarship examinations offered by different sets of countries, Departments, Ministries, and Organizations. So whatever your aim is for, we are here to provide you with pre-recorded quality videos at a reasonable price without any hidden cost.
We are neither a technology company nor an educational one; we are an educational technology company. Being into a new genre of the company gives us an added advantage. Our educational themes help in engaging and retaining the best-in-class teachers and professors from all over India and technical themes help develop quality education content with the support of advanced technologies. You have various ways to access our video lectures anytime, anywhere, at your convenience. Added on, you need not worry if you have any queries; we have a dedicated team of specialized teachers available 24 *7 to help you out with any doubts you have. Asking questions is encouraged here at "EDUGYAN SMARTTECH," and we are not shy of receiving complaints and feedback.
Time factor: - Whatever we do or intend to do, time plays a significant role. Any option which takes more time is not considered a good option. The same principle applies here, too; Online Learning is less time-consuming. You need not travel to the address of your coaching classes to take education. You can simply open a mobile/tablet/computer and open the lectures and enhance your knowledge. Take your time to understand every topic in detail. If not understood, play the lectures again.
Accessibility Factor: - Online education is more accessible than the offline one. You can access the course content whenever you need it. Wherever you are, you are in touch with the education: - As online classes or lectures can be accessed from all over the world, you need not be physically present in any one geographical location to have the required education. Wherever you are, your classes are following you.
Options are many to choose from: - As we have thousands of teachers working on your platform, the EDUGYAN marketplace model has no shortage of options. It is a simple step to browse your favorite teacher and subjects, purchase the lectures, and enhance your knowledge base. An internet-enabled device is all you require to do that.
Delivery Efficiency: - We have engaged the best in class delivery partners to deliver your purchased products at your doorstep within 24 hours of purchase. Our delivery guarantee is unique, and no other platform can match us.
Reasonable price: - EDUGYAN offers all the courses at a reasonable price without any hidden cost. Moreover, you do not compromise with the quality and performance in the name of a reasonable price. Added to our course is truly value for money. When we say that value for money, we mean that literally.